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You searched for: nest

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  • Seagull babies want to know if they came from the stork.
  • An owl sneaks home during the middle of the daytime.
  • A snake is sad because she was going to eat eggs but the nest was empty.
  • Dirty gutters house birds and are declared protected wetlands.
  • Bird watches bird neighbors and claims it is a legitimate hobby.
  • Bird wants to get a contractor to build a house instead of building their own nest.
  • Bird is concerned about home located near a pinata.
  • Baby bird protests that mother is only regurgitating turnips.
  • Chicken has trouble sleeping due to restless egg syndrome.
  • Flat faced cat is at the vet because it spent all summer staring at a bird nest at the window.
  • Birds push their son Humpty Dumpty to fly while he's still an egg.

You searched for: nest