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Supportive ghost therapist says I see you to sad dead patient feeling ignored & unacknowledged.
Angry Disney’s Grumpy Dwarf in counseling complains everyone thinks he’s one dimensional but he’s annoyed, cranky, irritable, fed up…
Couples counselor says it’s great kid filled piggy bank dad & money full Russian nesting doll couple switched traditional family roles.
Littlest Russian nesting doll on couch tells family therapist it’s not easy being a middle child.
Kitty psychiatrist says patient’s life feels off due to unresolved issues or inside-out ear.
Dog at therapy appointment tells psychiatrist watching squirrel it wants someone to pay attention to them.
Upset man on psychiatrist couch complains mother pushed relentlessly till he was born.
Therapist tells wife in couples counseling putting up walls triggers traumatized Humpty Dumpty husband.
Cruel April Fool’s joke psychiatrist tells therapy patient he’s made great progress & is proud of him.
Counselor asks leprechaun in therapy about pot of goals instead of gold priority.
Self-centered psychiatrist complains man in therapy is talking about himself again.
Therapist asks dog in therapy with food dish if true he complains it’s never enough.