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You searched for: maternity

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A pregnant camel's water breaks, making her hump disappear.
  • A fish goes to the doctor for fertility drugs because he has a craving for caviar.
  • Pregnant male seahorses try on paternity clothes.
  • Doctors use puppets to scare a woman giving birth on April Fools.
  • A man cuts the light cord instead of the umbilical cord.
  • A baby in a maternity ward resents the happy C-section baby next to him.
  • Funky Winkerbean gets his name because he was born smelling bad.
  • A cartoon character's new baby has 10 fingers and 10 toes.
  • A snake eats a lot because she's pregnant with twenty to thirty eggs.
  • A woman and her husband have huge feet, so the woman suffers when her unborn baby starts kicking.
  • A bunch of women get coached through labor at once.
  • A woman gets an ultrasound and her unborn child is holding a sign that says "No more chili."

You searched for: maternity