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You searched for: lover

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  • Water made as Oxygen O in bar tells Hydrogen partner polyamorous 2 H sex could spice up couple’s relationship.
  • Flirty man on smartphone texts girlfriend hey lover but autocorrect loser message insults angry date.
  • Expired older Humpty Dumpty apologizes to surprised lover for disappointing sexual performance with past best by dates excuse.
  • Husband proofreads texts after wife picks up sexy guy from France instead of baguette bread loaf.
  • Houseplants couple talking on phones have sexy conversation about moist & fertilized gardening soil.
  • Iphone in bed prefers scroll phone husband’s screen to Brad Pitt picture before sex.
  • Misspelled Valentine’s Day texts autocorrected box of chalk lights chocolates, liver lover boy, car valet time & rude bugs swearing disses insults.
  • Flirty Christmas mistletoe drinking at pub asks mistletoe sprig shouldn’t you be under me dirty pick-up line.
  • Thanksgiving turkey cheater caught with red wine bottle tells jealous white wine not only one he goes with.
  • Annoyed laptop in bed refuses to add lover’s sex request to preferences settings.
  • Sexually satisfied smartphone in bed tells phone lover it put it in airplane mode.
  • Suspicious coffee cup confronts woman cheating with wine glass at night.

You searched for: lover