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Sexually unsatisfied ghosts in bed complain that they didn’t feel anything.
Pet cat hits skull off annoyed skeleton’s body & spooky spouse says you’re the one who wanted a cat.
Guy at beach eating burger surrounded by seagulls tells wife he is approachable.
Sexy lightning bug entices lover to bed to read book lighted by bottom.
Wife at party annoyed husband wearing tiny clothing stubbornly refuses to admit he grabbed wrong suitcase at airport.
Tortoise wife’s embarrassing rear end shell hole breakfast mix up shocks husband in rude awakening.
Couples counselor says it’s great kid filled piggy bank dad & money full Russian nesting doll couple switched traditional family roles.
Praying mantis on date at bar with decapitated mate complains we don’t talk anymore.
Sleepless couple in bed mistakenly buy painful sharp discomforter blanket.
Wife tells husband nasty car trunk foods not basically the same as food truck.
Angry bird mom in tree asks dad who broke fallen eggs what he means he’s been spring cleaning nest?
Therapist tells wife in couples counseling putting up walls triggers traumatized Humpty Dumpty husband.