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You searched for: genetic

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  • Seagull babies want to know if they came from the stork.
  • Mr. Peanut gets an M&M pregnant with a baby peanut.
  • An orange gives birth to lemons and her husband is suspicious.
  • Genetically modified tomato tells you when ripe.
  • Mother says thin daughter inherited her skinny genes.
  • Dalmatian puppies prompt husband to question his wife's fire truck ride.
  • Superman's son inherited his x-ray vision and sees pink underwear.
  • Baby mouse's round ears reveal mother's relationship with Mickey Mouse.
  • A jury of the defendant's clones finds the defendant not guilty of cloning.
  • Internet website provides genealogy services to find relatives and block relatives from finding you.
  • Guy laughs cutting the new, genetically-altered onions which produce laughter, not tears when cut.
  • A hammer head shark and a swordfish have a baby fish that's a Swiss Army knife.

You searched for: genetic