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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Remote worker can’t leave desk with napping cat boss asleep on lap.
Sleeping cat and dog influence telecommuting man on laptop to nap on couch.
Man on deserted island with woman hopes she’ll swipe right on Tinder online dating app.
Star Wars R2-D2 on laptop clicks not the droid you’re looking for website robot security challenge.
Man on laptop is charged excess baggage fee on therapist’s appointment invoice.
Woman on computer screen tells man on Zoom meeting she loves his run down shack background but it’s his messy room.
Telecommuting worker in online meeting shoves cluttered mess away from computer webcam.
Fighting cats hiss and snarl at each other on computer screen in online Google Hangouts meeting.
Connected canine technology upgrades for dogs like Blocking stay, Outlook windows, TikTok waiting and Words With Friends howling.
Snowman on laptop sees snow removal website ad and wonders if its relationship is in trouble.
Haunted town of ghosts on smartphones wont reply to unanswered texts and email messages.
Star with large number of backlogged message updates tells other star that it’s behind on wishes.