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You searched for: elderly

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Consumer criminals wore bowling shirt playing pool, used table spoon at counter, ate cold cuts room temp & used baby powder when old in product crimes.
  • Forgetful older global positioning system’s outdated directions confuses lost car driver.
  • Mean Kermit the frog in hurry pushes old lady and is hit by falling safe karmic revenge,
  • Older werewolf man sees full moon and transforms but stops when forgets what he was doing.
  • Newborn infant peanuts are fresh peanuts while elderly Planter’s Mr. Peanut is in peanut brittle hospital room.
  • Noisy car stereo music annoys old man but loud speakerphone rash talk grosses out young people in cafe.
  • Man loves smartphone aging app but woman tells him he’s looking in a mirror.
  • Cellphone with smartphone sees self with cracked screen on photo aging app.
  • Hostess Twinkie snack cake photograph is unchanged by cellphone aging app.
  • Humpty Dumpty eggshell cracked by hatched chick on cellphone selfie aging app
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex evolves to bird photo on cellphone aging app.
  • Sliced bread is day old stale bread on smartphone photo aging app.

You searched for: elderly