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You searched for: count

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  • Instead of counting backwards, anesthesiologists have patients read itunes terms and conditions.
  • Cats need a timer to show how soon they'll start scratching you.
  • A snowman meets Rainman, who tells him how many snowflakes he's made of.
  • Godzilla uses a hotel as an advent calendar.
  • A man with OCD can't sleep because he imagined too many sheep and how he has to count them all.
  • A man imagines a vampire sheep to get to sleep.
  • Sheep suggests having sex rather than counting sheep as a sleep aid.
  • Laptop is shocked about number of laps girlfriend has been on.
  • On deserted island two people keep tying in vote for king of island.
  • Man's mom Twitters about how long it's been since he called her.
  • Dan's OCD prompts him to countdown three hours early to the new year.

You searched for: count