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You searched for: bird

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  • Rude male peacock on subway with big plumage feathers spreading on seat annoys crowded female peahen birds.
  • Mother bird regurgitates piñata treat candies for chick children’s birthday party game.
  • Flirting female peahen playing hide and seek game tricks male peacock to reveal tail feather plumage behind tree.
  • Surprised lady at gym hot yoga class sees owl with mat working out at hoot yoga bird fitness.
  • Songbird tells bird with blooming daisy flower fart bum with all seeds it eats was just a matter of time.
  • Chickens friends drink at bar, asks if tried hot yoga workout & hen answers plucked & roasted chicken Glenda has.
  • Stealing obsessed gull hoarding beach stuff says it started with french fries but got out of hand.
  • Lady wonders who used laptop to learn second language as pet cat chirps at birds of feeder outside window.
  • Man covered in huge poo splat picks guilty Big Bird from criminal birds suspects line-up.
  • Misspelled Passover Seder invitations invites birds for birdseed dinner.
  • Warner Bros cartoon coyote eats roadrunners Peeps Easter candy marshmallows.
  • Male peacock’s big tail fan at pretty female movie blocked annoyed birds’ view in seats behind.

You searched for: bird