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You searched for: schools

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A beaver answers a philosophical question on a test for school.
  • A snake learning to drive can't put his foot on the brake because he doesn't have feet.
  • A snowman teacher yells at his student for drifting.
  • A student barber shop has a trash can full of cut-off ears out back.
  • Frog students learning biology team up to dissect each other.
  • A monster teaches other monsters to go bump in the night.
  • A grim reaper in training brings a popsicle instead of a sickle.
  • A lumberjack gives trees a stressful test to pressure-treat them.
  • An alien teaches students that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
  • A cat sits in a classroom defining furniture words as scratching posts.
  • An executive thinks there's a whistleblower on his board, but there's actually a referee.
  • A nerd wears a bully-proof vest to school.

You searched for: schools