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You searched for: body

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  • Female octopus likes her mate's love handles.
  • Popcorn kernels have hot flashes, and change into popcorn during menopause.
  • The King of Pop has body parts pop off of him.
  • A man wants to rent a center, for the one he is missing.
  • Puppies are alarmed to realize that there are bones inside their bodies.
  • Computer engineers want to shut down a man's bodily functions and restart them during surgery.
  • The green giant gets an artichoke heart to replace his old heart.
  • A chicken's head can't look at how its body is running around.
  • The Michelin Man dies after trying to get a belly button piercing.
  • Mickey Mouse always wears gloves so he won't leave fingerprints at crime scenes.
  • UFOs try to construct the perfect Earthling using DNA from powerful and popular people, but the DNA they collected is all from ugly or stupid famous people.
  • A shark gets mad at his girlfriend because she wants to leave him for another shark who has a swimmer's body.

You searched for: body