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Mad celebrity on cellphone at dinner ironically criticizes bad reviews online then says roast chicken is dried out.
Dog on smartphone listens to favorite walk, ride, dinner songs play list.
Frustrated broken eggshell Humpty Dumpty missed smartphone Twitter icy winter weather warning & slips off wall.
Santa Claus on smartphone fitness app drops from 123 million peak Christmas Eve to zero miles relaxing at home vacation.
Couple in online VR goggles give robot arm hugs on pandemic Christmas apart from loved ones.
Santa Claus buying toys online on laptop adds millions of Christmas gifts to sack for kids worldwide.
Christmas tree on laptop regrets waiting till only lopsided trees left on online dates website.
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer on laptop shops online for clear face masks PPE for pandemic Christmas.
Excited mattress on computer discovers it is a queen on genealogy website.
Therapist on laptop asks too close patient on screen why bad with technology.
Turkey on family Thanksgiving Zoom meeting raises hand when woman on laptop asks who suggested online get together.
Snake hair Medusa on computer sees worm diagnosis on doctor’s website.