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You searched for: santa claus

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  • A female elf hits a male elf with a hammer for asking her if she jingles all the way.
  • Santa sues the Jolly Green Giant for ripping off his catchphrase.
  • Child asks mom how Santa will get in house since they have no chimney, Santa is on the roof with an axe.
  • Santa is upset because it is Christmas Eve, and he has a flat, the flat is a deflated reindeer.
  • Mom worried about son, Joey, because he just got done sitting on Count Santa's lap, he looks pale, nervous, and something is wrong with neck.
  • The elves show Santa an advanced surveillance operation to keep track of who's naughty.

  • Santa and Mrs. Claus swat elves before realizing they could be useful.

You searched for: santa claus