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You searched for: psychologist

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  • A suitcase cries at the therapist because his father was always traveling and his mom never opened up to him.
  • A teapot feels bad for being short and stout, and its therapist has to reassure it by listing short stout celebrities.
  • After years of therapy, Waldo finds himself.
  • Sam I Am wonders if he really is Sam.
  • A man goes to therapy hoping to get rid of the nervous tick attached to his face.
  • A man's therapist thinks he's on the verge of a breakthrough, but actually the man is about to break through the window and escape.
  • A wallaby gets an inferiority complex when its mom carries it in a fanny pack.
  • The Big Bad Wolf talks about what Little Red Riding Hood said about his appearance in therapy.
  • Pistachios' therapist tells them they need to open up.
  • A dog goes to therapy because he's allowed to lie on a couch there.
  • A psychologist has his patients take a number.
  • A turtle goes to therapy for claustrophobia.

You searched for: psychologist