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You searched for: mammal

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  • Dogs in court argue who legally owns peed on land to canine law judge.
  • Star Wars Luke Skywalker’s training by Yoda with cat in lap delayed by unwritten rules of the force.
  • Restaurant waitress asks ant eater if unhappy with cake order but it’s waiting patiently for ants.
  • Mouse asks anxious rodent watching smartphone cat video website if doomscrolling again.
  • Whale on laptop internet whale watch teleconference tells tourists it’s scheduled for next appointment.
  • Delivery driver carrying cats empty boxes orders thinks it’s easiest deliveries of the day.
  • Is the dog a jerk? is an easy question at cats’ trivia night game for kitty contestants to answer.
  • Gross dog archaeologist has 5 Century Rule to eat medieval garbage artifacts dug in hole.
  • Annoyed waitress owner asks cat knocking salt shakers off table if it’s 8th time it asked for salt.
  • Finicky kitties scratch furniture, curtains, rugs, screens & clothes but ignore pets’ scratching posts.
  • Lady allows adopted small puppy to sleep on bed but it grew bigger squishing crowded owner.
  • Kids searching for hidden Easter eggs stolen by Ninja Sloth confused when all are missing.

You searched for: mammal