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You searched for: halloween

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  • Various characters all show up to Halloween party dressed in same Minion costume.
  • A kid thinks he has mice because the mousetraps he put around his Halloween candy went off, but his parents both have bandages on their fingers.
  • Mr. Potatohead goes as a Cyclops for Halloween.
  • Dogs try to go trick or treating, but when they get there the dog moms have already eaten the candy.
  • Seeds leave a pumpkin and one seed wants to know if they are out of their gourd.
  • Halloween monsters listen to music.
  • The grim reaper gets distracted by chocolate.
  • Cats on Halloween all take their costumes off.
  • A pop-up comes up to make sure a witch really wants to cast her spell.
  • A woman can't decide if she wants to buy candy she likes or candy she doesn't like for Halloween.
  • A mummy pees from fear and has to change his bandages.

You searched for: halloween