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You searched for: summer

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man prepares for deep sea snorkeling with a giant snorkel.
  • The devil watches as his kids play in a propane sprinkler.
  • A man fishes for bass while the fish steal his Bass beer.
  • A piece of grass takes yoga classes and ducks under the lawn mower.
  • A dog gets replaced by a water sprinkler.
  • A stork goes to a party, and thinks his potato salad might be a letdown.
  • The Doughboy gets his buns toasted at a cookout.
  • People go down a sunscreen slide at the beach.
  • A boy collects all of the good skipping stones and sets up a booth.
  • The new ice cream man gets the less coveted night shift.
  • Trees enjoy looking at golfers' red faces.
  • A George Foreman Grill punches its owner when he tries to remove an undercooked burger.

You searched for: summer