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You searched for: story

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  • The pig homeland security system is simple; straw, stick, brick.
  • The classis story of Jack and the Beanstalk it updated to making a Starbucks with the beans.
  • Pinocchio gets bored in wood shop as soon as class begins.
  • Frodo isn't give a ring, but a tax loophole that everyone is after.
  • A greenhouse that's large enough for a beanstalk.
  • The jury usually finds the defendant Waldo with much difficulty.
  • Quasimodo programmed his cell phone to have the same ring as the bell.
  • A boy uses a 'Harry Potter' type spell in his classroom to speed up time.
  • The dentist gives Jack the drill after he fell and broke his crown.
  • The Headless Horseman likes horror stories involving pumpkins.
  • A movie has good special effects when a father's money disappears when they get there.
  • A kid likes the book better, because too much stuff was mispronounced in the movie.

You searched for: story