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You searched for: schools

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  • A student says dot to his teacher instead of period because he's used to reading web URLs.
  • A girl is going to have trouble passing her assignment because her dog ate it -- and so will the dog.
  • A schoolteacher for a class of animals passes a troublemaking buck because she doesn't want to deal with him two years in a row.
  • A dog dislikes technology because now to eat kids' homework he has to eat their whole computer.
  • A slice of a woman's never-fail fudge gets a F in school.
  • Seinfeld responds to every question with "nothing" through his life.
  • A cat teacher tells the students to hiss at the new kid in class until they get used to her.
  • Charlie Brown's teacher's written tests are nothing but the word "wah."
  • Mary's little lamb was actually a criminal.
  • Mr. Bubble has nightmares about pop quizzes.
  • An English teacher chops down a sign because of its bad grammar.
  • A giant lizard monster crushes beer trucks on his forehead, just like he did in college.

You searched for: schools