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You searched for: scare

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A lap dog dreams of yipping so annoyingly that he scares Godzilla away from the city.
  • Cats throw a surprise party for their friend and he hides under the bed.
  • Santa gets drones to deliver Christmas presents, but they don't work very well.
  • Snowmen watch a horror movie.
  • A monster dresses up in a woman's clothes because he got bored hiding in her closet.
  • A man turns into a werewolf and stops to update his profile picture.
  • A cat tells a campfire story about how his owner wouldn't refill his bowl.
  • A turtle has a shell for protection, but also uses a knife.
  • Hamburger Helper gets a ladder to help burgers climb onto the grill.
  • A man in a seedy part of town gets nervous when his phone says he has a new follower.
  • Cheeses watch a horror movie about a rat in a maze.
  • A fish eats an anglerfish's glowing lure.

You searched for: scare