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You searched for: plants

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  • The Jolly Green Giant plucks his nose hairs, which are vines.
  • Sesame seeds on hamburger buns sprout into Muppets when left for a long time.
  • An elephant gives his lover forget-me-nots, but she won't forget him anyway because elephants never forget.
  • A man buys forget-me-completelys instead of forget-me-nots.
  • A tree falls and no one hears it.
  • A man in a fly costume gets eaten by a Venus flytrap at a party.
  • Dog doctors prescribe that a dog should go outside and eat some grass.
  • When a bee does his dance to say where the flowers are, he gets carried away.
  • The Grim Reaper tries to garden, but kills all his plants.
  • A carrot in a horror movie goes into a room with a peeler in it.
  • A cactus works hard at the office while the other plants hang around the water cooler.
  • Grains of wheat watch a horror movie called Shredded Wheat.

You searched for: plants