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You searched for: parent

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  • Mom explains that potatohead son's misplaced body parts are because he dressed himself.

  • Piranha kid complains to mom that sister got one more bite of human.
  • Doctor tells Bart Simpson results of paternity test show Sesame Street's Bert is his father.
  • Proud parent watches all the different emoji smiley face babies in the nursery.

  • On take-your-child-to-work day, speechwriter's kid makes silly promise in candidate's speech.
  • Watching dog pee on electric fence is a teaching moment for dad and son.
  • Stork is out of work because drones now deliver babies.
  • As a baby Chef Ramsay complains about his mother's bland breastmilk.
  • Doctor has to break news to mom that her son was in a accident and is wearing dirty underwear.
  • Dad cat wants daughter to convince cat-in-the-hat boyfriend to wear shirt and pants.
  • Begging for quarters to play Pac Man was the original political action committee fund.
  • Prince Kong rejoices that he'll finally be king with King Kong's death.

You searched for: parent