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You searched for: therapist

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Humpty Dumpty goes to therapy because he wants to throw himself at cars on Halloween.
  • Rorschach gets run over and people guess what his corpse looks like.
  • A woman's online lover accidentally wrote someone else's username.
  • The big bad wolf realizes he was raised by wolves.
  • Pavlov's dog keeps drooling as he gets older.
  • A female deciduous tree says her pine tree husband doesn't understand what it's like when her leaves change in autumn.
  • A can of Spam tells its therapist that sometimes it lies awake at night wondering what it is.
  • Georgie Porgie sees a psychologist to talk about how girls cry when he kisses them.
  • A bear complains that nothing she does is ever good enough for her husband.
  • Cartoon characters blame their parents for how they turned out because they named them things like Butthead and Daffy.
  • Donald Duck complains that his girlfriend doesn't understand him, but his therapist says no one understands him.
  • Charlie Brown's therapist suggests that his friends disrespect him because he never changes his shirt.

You searched for: therapist