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You searched for: thanksgiving

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  • The spiderman balloon in the Macy's Parade ties up the people carrying it.
  • A turkey pretends to be too tired from triptophan to rake the leaves.
  • The Potatohead family eats their relatives for Thanksgiving dinner.
  • One cat makes a diversion while another cat prepares to steal the Thanksgiving turkey.
  • Lois Lane marries Superman.
  • A giant lizard monster needs a nap after eating the city Turkey.
  • A turkey disguises itself as an endangered owl so the farmer won't kill it for Thanksgiving.
  • A turkey mystic psychic foresees that another turkey will become Thanksgiving dinner.
  • A wolf says he's so full he couldn't possibly eat another grandmother.
  • A wolf is jealous because he doesn't get a piggy who had roast beef.
  • Cats try to steal chicken before their owners finish saying grace.
  • A woman says it's funny that turkeys are so stupid they drown while looking up in rain, but her husband is drowning because he looked up in the shower.

You searched for: thanksgiving