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You searched for: television

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Characters with obscure powers you don't hear about on Heroes.
  • A woman gets bowls with TVs in the bottom to keep her family from fighting.
  • A horse watches a news program that says haystacks are being recalled because someone found a needle in one.
  • Mark's daughter draws the cartoon for Take Your Child to Work Day.
  • Simon Cowell contradicts himself all day.
  • A grim reaper's wife likes to watch Lifetime TV.
  • Rain, rain, go away, ring around the rosy, and pat-a-cake updated.
  • A caveman can't draw on his wall from across the room.
  • Cavemen get a high def cave painter.
  • A gangster buys "The Big Bada Boom Theory" in the science section of the library.
  • Girl has temper tantrum until her mother puts on the Dumbo Movie, hence the original movie on demand.
  • The inside of a candy filled Pinata is set up much like Star Trek's Enterprise.

You searched for: television