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People look down from a skyscraper and think everyone down below looks like an aunt.
Ivan goes to Rottweiler house for party because he can't see through cat costume.
When fog gets too thick, a pilot relies on his musical instruments.
People in the front of a car scream because Godzilla is going to eat it, but the person in the back seat can't see what's happening.
Bats go to a faith healer to become blind again.
Man learns not to handle contacts after eating pistachios because his fingers turned pink, now everything looks pink, including walls, shirt, tie, and face.
Sock at Missing Persons Etc. reporting mate missing, describes him as her size with stripes like her, says she last saw him in rinse cycle.
Edgar the capital E lies on beach chair, postal worker delivers royalty check because Edgar posed for the top of the eye chart.