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You searched for: lawyer or legal or courtroom or judge

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  • Criminal is surprised when court throws surprise party for 25th conviction.
  • Lawyer holds hammer as evidence while questioning piggy bank at robbery trial.
  • Police stopping cars with speedometer signs on top.
  • Lemon parents find Realemon boyfriend of daughter to be phony.
  • Verdict looks grim for defendant as trial jury sings lyrics to "Na Na Hey Hey."
  • A judge gets a restraining order to keep his wife at least six feet away from the remote control.
  • A man gets pulled over and avoids a ticket by searching for and playing the officer's favorite song.
  • The jury foreman takes his job literally and has jury do construction project.
  • Jury tricks guilty defendant by stating not innocent verdict instead of guilty verdict.
  • Judge returns to using manual gavel after electronic gavel causes too many courtroom injuries.
  • A lawyer trying to demonstrate that fireworks are safe gets exploded.
  • At a police line-up, policeman says other suspects are late, so early bird got the worm.

You searched for: lawyer or legal or courtroom or judge