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You searched for: attack

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  • A man tells a shark that if he has to bite him, he should bite off his tattoo.
  • Apples think they can hear the theme from Jaws because people are bobbing for them.
  • The Loch Ness Monster eats Hagar the Horrible and becomes ill.
  • Shoes that are alligators are a bad idea.
  • A fish, a fisherman, and a bear all think "Wow! Look at the size of that one."
  • A shark eats fishermen and then flosses with their fishing line.
  • A shark tries to eat a surfer, but only bites off two of his toes.
  • A man sells his stocks in a company getting eaten by Godzilla.
  • Lions see a car with two people in it as half full.
  • An infographic shows how cats see humans.
  • Three shelled walnuts holding rifles and wearing tiny helmets run away from dropped bombs.
  • One shark explains to another how her partner threatened to leave if she didn't share her scuba diver meal, so she gave him the finger.

You searched for: attack