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You searched for: santa claus

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Christmas figures stalk a woman to get her to buy things.
  • A newspaper headline says "Researchers Debate Cloning" as lots of Santas wander the streets.
  • Santa tabulates his Christmas gift list with machines from the election in Florida.
  • A cat has to keep reindeer from pooping in his litter box at Christmas.
  • Mrs. Claus thinks Santa wore his red suit to the beach, but he just has a sunburn.
  • Santa is so late he bumps into the Easter Bunny.
  • Santa loses his pants while going down a chimney.
  • The kid who first sang "Jingle Bells, Santa Smells" gets coal in his stocking even as an old man.
  • Rudolph complains in a bar that Santa got headlights and downsized him.
  • Santa gets trapped in his sleigh, but rescue workers get him out with the Claus of Life.
  • Santa goes to Overeaters Anonymous to talk about binge eating cookies and milk on Christmas.
  • Santa doesn't like having to put a super pooper scooper under his reindeer.

You searched for: santa claus