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Y.O.L.O. fearless skydiver only lives once, smartphone social media causes F.O.M.O. fear of missing out & nine lives F.O.L.O. cats scared of only one life.
Dog defendant thinks pissing dogs in courthouse are jury of peers.
Kitty psychiatrist says patient’s life feels off due to unresolved issues or inside-out ear.
Dog meets howler monkey at party & says they have so much to talk about.
Landscape painter sets up easel for mountain scene but Ninja Sloth suddenly painted self-portrait painting.
Kitty on owner’s laptop online date wants to shed all over girlfriend’s black dress.
Dog at therapy appointment tells psychiatrist watching squirrel it wants someone to pay attention to them.
Stinging fire ants in anthill bite aardvark tongue and it runs screaming in pain.
God creating animals makes strange duckbill platypus with leftover piece box.
Cat says barefoot lady stepping on dead mouse gift is learning his love language.
Dog urologist patient carries dug up tree trunk piss sample to doctor appointment.
Dog mistakes twig for water nozzle & waits for drink in mouth but jet squirts wet butt surprise.