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You searched for: daughter

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  • Crudwad the rose asks if smell would still be sweet if it had another name.
  • Children give dad old VCR remote as a controller so he thinks he's playing.
  • A grandmother hoards a Viking horde.
  • Daughter draws cartoon for Take-Your-Child-To-Work Day.
  • Family is concerned about father's excessive milk moustache, beard, and hair.
  • Family plays with own electronic devices on family game night.
  • Family sees wall made of legos swallowed by kids at Legoland.
  • Snowman dad doesn't realize he's about to throw snow kid's head in snowball fight.
  • Mr. Potato Head takes off his nose so he can ignore his child's diaper.
  • Mother sends daughter Hanukkah gelt and guilt for not coming to visit.
  • Teenaged kangaroo wants to move back but mother's pouch is zippered.
  • New dad exclaims he has a paper jam with the baby wipes.

You searched for: daughter