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You searched for: celebrity

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Carmen Miranda has to pretend she has no fruits or vegetables to declare at customs, even though her fruit hat is just covered with a cloth.
  • Barbara Walters prepares for an interview by putting crying potion in her interviewee's tea.
  • Lyle Lovett is born and the doctors keep seeing hair instead of his head.
  • A dog changes his name to a symbol and asks to be called The Dog Formerly Known as Prince.
  • A teapot feels bad for being short and stout, and its therapist has to reassure it by listing short stout celebrities.
  • Elvis asks for directions to Heartbreak Hotel amongst other hotels named after ailments.
  • Potatoes participate in a mosh pit at a concert.
  • Julie Andrews dies because the hills are alive and eat her.
  • The cartoon asks readers to vote for Young Elvis or Fat Elvis.
  • A woman cleans Prince's house.
  • Godzilla eat Meatloaf and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
  • A cat sings a cat version of a Nat King Cole song.

You searched for: celebrity