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You searched for: summer

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  • Floors get sanded with beach sand.
  • A man using a meddle detector on a beach notices when a mom meddles with her daughter's relationship.
  • A kid is allergic to sunscreen, so he wears hundreds of pairs of sunglasses.
  • A woman's phone has the Jaws theme as her ring tone, causing a panic at the beach.
  • A bikini talks and uses bad pickup lines.
  • Other bugs touch a bug zapper, trying to be fireflies.
  • A man using the George Hamilton Grill always have overdone food.
  • The Tin Man uses a self bronzing spray to get his tan.
  • Headache inducer is used to disrupt the mosquito breeding cycle.
  • A lifeguard uses a paintball gun and sun screen pellets on the beach.
  • When fireworks fall in love, they see humans when they kiss.
  • At the fireworks, the AAAHs gang met their rivals, the OOOHs gang.

You searched for: summer