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A man's legs detach from his body because his shoe bindings are too tight.
Beelzebub goes to the doctor after sitting on his own tail.
Derek recovered and only needed 7 stitches after asking girlfriend, who has a large beak, for just one kiss, a peck on the cheek.
One chicken tells another that his fried chicken leg is an old high school injury in Home Economics class.
Artist with bandaged leg and arm shows sculpture of bent bike to customer, says it's his latest piece called "Who Put That Tree There."
Man asks giraffe with severely crooked neck if he can go in first to visit the chiropractor.
Man with injured right knee approaches two doors, door on left is left knee specialist, door on right is right knee specialist, nurse points him right.
Doctor tells injured pillow lying on bed with Band-Aids and IV to cool it with the pillow fights for a while.
Pillsbury Doughboy negotiating contract, wants clause added about actors with long, pointy fingernails, has bandages on belly from being poked.
Singer's lyrics reveal that he is having affair with drummer's wife.