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You searched for: attack

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  • Cat eyes are sights for scratching.
  • A man takes the safety seal off a package and a monster reaches out and eats him.
  • A woman wishes she had something to take her mind off her headache while an alligator creeps out of the toilet behind her.
  • Julie Andrews dies because the hills are alive and eat her.
  • The crew of the Enterprise can't fight Aunti Matter.
  • A man's survival guide warns him that reading is vulnerable as a bear attacks him.
  • Mice use a cat's water bowl as a swimming pool.
  • People in the front of a car scream because Godzilla is going to eat it, but the person in the back seat can't see what's happening.
  • A tiger is chasing a man and he has to decide if it's enough of an emergency to use the emergency exit.
  • A bear seeing multiple hikers thinks they're trail mix.
  • A kid wearing Mickey Mouse ears wanders into an alley full of cats.
  • A swimmer with a bite out of his butt returns a container of shark repellent.

You searched for: attack