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You searched for: thanksgiving

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  • A turkey musician accidentally throws his own drumsticks into the audience.
  • A snake gives thanks for the big fat goose egg his family has.
  • A turkey likes a hat, but wants to buy it in a different color because she's uncomfortable dressed in cranberry.
  • A turkey tries to lie its way out of being killed.
  • A computer's hard drive gets completely full, then reverts to sleep mode.
  • A cat gets mice to leap into the Thanksgiving turkey with a sign that says "Free Cheese! Eat All U Can."
  • A turkey surgeon discovers that his patients are all in a plastic baggie.
  • A dog gives thanks for a giant Garfield balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
  • A woman's uncle overstays his welcome on Thanksgiving.
  • A turkey about to be killed says his behind is a terrible thing to baste.
  • A fish accidentally kills his friends by giving them too much food on Thanksgiving.
  • Mr. Potatohead picks up sweet potatoes to share with his wife.

You searched for: thanksgiving