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A sign says that employees must wash their hands when customers are looking.
A customer calls himself an idiot and the cashier agrees with him because the store's policy is that the customer is always right.
A witch who lives in a gingerbread house has to call an exterminator because she has ants.
Wile E. Coyote launches an attack on Acme Devices.
The swallows return to cappuccino instead of Capistrano.
A woman names her cat Wedgie because he gives people wedgies.
A dog at a restaurant complains because he thought his meal would be served under the table.
A clown returns a pair of giant shoes because they're too small.
A woman asks a saleswoman to talk her into buying a dress.
Man yells at cabbie that he drove by his stop, and cab has a sign that says, "Joe's Taxi - We Go That Extra Mile."
Employee standing on hidden spring tells boss he isn't satisfied with complaint handling, he's going over his head, boss ready to pull spring lever.
Man walking into ladies' intimate apparel store hopes no one saw him, not realizing there's a big celebration waiting because he's the one millionth customer.