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Zeppelins resent a small balloon at their high school reunion.
The town's sealer of weights and measures gets in trouble for revealing his wife's measurements.
A woman keeps pushing her diet back until after the holidays, but once the holidays end her Girl Scout cookies arrive.
People work out in preparation for Thanksgiving, while a turkey tries to be too skinny to be killed.
A pig teases her husband about his fat stomach.
A man feels insecure at the beach, but his wife says she prefers his washing-machine sized stomach to toned men's washboard stomachs.
A godzilla eats shieks for breakfast and lunch.
Natural wonders for sand fleas include a grand canyon made by a woman's buttocks.
A man eating a low fat snack only has fat on the lower half of his body.
Famous last words from Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Albert Bugleweed, whose last words were "Honey, how's your diet going'".
Wife tells husband, Albert, that expandability is a good feature for computers, not husbands, just as he has his mouth open extremely wide to eat an entire piece of cake.
Person wonders why box of cereal is empty, even though label says it has no sugar, no additives, no fat, and no calories.