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You searched for: talk

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Baby teeth attend a support group.
  • A muse sees a psychiatrist about streak of failures.
  • Telephones need a button to make a long story short.
  • A dog doesn't think sticking its nose where it doesn't belong is a bad thing.
  • Voice mail system that doesn't actually erase your messages.
  • A woman tries a balloon-stem conversion to get her husband to talk.
  • Four calling birds become telemarketers in the off season.
  • The miracle of Hanukkah is updated with a cell phone.
  • A belt sees a psychiatrist, not sure it can handle the extra pressure of the holidays.
  • A parrot doesn't talk, but chats on the internet.
  • Proverbs that have been upgraded for current technology.
  • A woman doesn't want to get go of her cell phone at the repair shop.

You searched for: talk