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You searched for: story

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  • Goliath, from the tale of David and Goliath, had jerseys made up before hand for after his victory.
  • Jack opens a restaurant with giant portions after cutting down the bean stalk.
  • The three little pigs use the big bad wolf as forced hot air.
  • A wolf wants to trade his pig lunch for a fellow grandmother wolf's lunch.
  • The construction crew has problems making a gingerbread house.
  • Lemony Snicket gives his homework to his school teacher.
  • Cinderella's dog eats her glass slippers.
  • Grandma thinks that getting eaten by the Wolf was bad, until Red Riding Hood shows up.
  • The Emperor has a wardrobe malfunction during a parade.
  • Dreadilocks uses the combs belonging to the three bears.
  • Santa doesn't pick his nose, he puts his finger aside his nose.
  • Goldilocks eats porridge that tastes like stuffing.

You searched for: story