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You searched for: schools

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A boy has a dream about taking a test in school while naked.
  • Forensic analysis is used to determine where the food fight started.
  • A girl in school asks why minimalism has so many letters.
  • The most successful bunny was the one that took basket weaving.
  • A father and son show off their sports trophies.
  • Scratching a chalkboard gets a devil his horns.
  • Spirits go to school to be made bright.
  • A vampire chews on a pencil-neck because he's nervous.
  • A vampire thinks that a plus sign is a cross.
  • A school bus has a bin on the back for parents to throw in things their kids forgot.
  • Betsy Ross had a collection of star stickers for getting questions right in Preschool.
  • The Introduction to Law professor has his class help him get out of a speeding ticket.

You searched for: schools