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You searched for: pee

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A cat throws a party, but doesn't clean the litter box.
  • A dog does etchings that represent his quest for freedom.
  • Tiger Woods asks his dad to stay quiet while he uses the potty so he doesn't miss.
  • A computer is confused that a man installs Java and then deletes it by drinking coffee and then using the bathroom.
  • A dog thinks his owner John's given name is Porta-John.
  • A squid lets his ink loose in a swimming pool.
  • A toad doesn't want to carry his new bride across the threshhold because she pees when you pick her up.
  • A woman says excitement ran through her spine when she got pierced, but a man says it ran down his leg.
  • A dog in a pet store makes a sign that says "Piddles on Rugs" with an arrow pointing at the dog next to him.
  • Birds wait for a man to shovel his car out of the snow so they can poop on it.
  • A parrot has a tiny car to poop on.
  • R2D2 has a nightmare of being smelled by lots of dogs.

You searched for: pee