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You searched for: mental health

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  • Psychiatrist observes that patient is guarded by a basketball player.
  • Patient thinks he's a hallucination and his psychiatrist is hallucinating.
  • Psychiatrist abandons a patient fearful of abandonment.
  • Physiatrists' patient becomes violent if she has to pay.
  • Frankenstein's psychiatrist diagnoses mental health problem.
  • A blowfish attending a session in psychology is accused of being defensive.
  • A microwave and an oven visit a psychiatrist with relationship problems.
  • A sports fan and his TV see a psychiatrist because fan is always swearing at the TV.
  • A vampire and his girlfriend, who has a sunny disposition, see a psychiatrist.
  • Randy Jackson, American Idol judge, called his cat 'dawg' and then gets scratched.
  • A man sees a psychiatrist after becoming depressed on his trampoline.
  • Nature is made up of a bunch of humans.

You searched for: mental health