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Scientists will remove 90% of suffering and distress from humankind by getting rid of the lawyer gene.
A lawyer claims god is partially responsible for a woman's car crash because she had a God is My Co-Pilot bumper sticker.
A prosecuting lawyer accuses Captain Hook of murdering a soap bubble.
Running of the Bulls is changed to Running of the Sloths after personal injury lawyers get involved.
Two lawyers and a judge act like immature children in Juvenile Court.
A lawyer tries to stop a trial because his client needs to poop, but the judge finds it highly irregular.
A dog's lawyer delivers a contract his owner needs to sign so he will play fetch.
Everyone is excited about the leap year, except the cartoonist, who's disappointed because he has to draw an extra cartoon.
A lawyer interrogates the monkey from Pop Goes the Weasel.
A judge refuses to excuse indecent exposure because a lawyer's client is from the show me state.
Meek inherit the earth but then the bold hire lawyers who tie up ownership in court cases.
A lawyer defends his client by claiming he had to murder his wife because she was a morning person.