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You searched for: court

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  • A kangaroo court has a judge and then a baby judge in a pouch on the stand.
  • The library sues a bookkeeper for not returning his books.
  • A bird lawyer interrogates a bird who bought "To Kill a Mockinbird" about killing her husband.
  • Frosty the Snowman wants to sue a restaurant for giving him hot coffee instead of iced.
  • A lawyer claims god is partially responsible for a woman's car crash because she had a God is My Co-Pilot bumper sticker.

  • A prosecuting lawyer accuses Captain Hook of murdering a soap bubble.
  • Two lawyers and a judge act like immature children in Juvenile Court.
  • A lawyer tries to stop a trial because his client needs to poop, but the judge finds it highly irregular.
  • Comics artist draws mom’s Family Ties neckties, brothers’ Inferior Court & Who band art in heaven, dad’s nothing, wife’s flirty pick up sticks & daughter’s poopy diaper daddy Father’s Day cartoon jokes.
  • Celebrity Tina Turner’s Cousin It hair wig, Neil Diamond cubic zirconium name, Corey Hart fast food flop, living Monkees copy dead Beatle tape & Snoop Doggy Dogg pays Snoopy copyright rock & roll musician facts.
  • A lawyer interrogates the monkey from Pop Goes the Weasel.
  • A judge refuses to excuse indecent exposure because a lawyer's client is from the show me state.

You searched for: court