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You searched for: celebrity

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  • A baby imitates the newborn Elvis Prestley in the neonatal ward.
  • George Lucas wants to digitally enhance a woman.
  • George Hamilton goes to the Betty Ford Center, but can't kick the tanning lotion.
  • Scotty beams up Kirk's toupee, but nothing else.
  • A chapstick factory relocates to be near Steven Tyler, Carly Simon, and Mick Jagger to increase profits.
  • A street near Las Vegas has a sign for crossing Elvis Impersonators.
  • Madonna uses virtual reality to run a program called Virtual Virtue.
  • A news anchor reports that Pinocchio's nose is smaller and his skin is lighter because he's had plastic surgery.
  • Spanky from the Little Rascals has grown up and now does BDSM phone sex.
  • An owl at a book store signs copies of its book "Who's Who".
  • A fried-looking ant tells another ant on a talk show that it's not easy living life under a magnifying glass.
  • UFOs try to construct the perfect Earthling using DNA from powerful and popular people, but the DNA they collected is all from ugly or stupid famous people.

You searched for: celebrity