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You searched for: bird

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  • hairless cat, legless lizard, flightless bird, and mindless doofus all go without something.
  • Cat and bird realize they are watching each other take baths.

  • Baseball players steal sunflower seeds from birdfeeder.
  • Even with heads in the sand, ostriches still take selfie.
  • Flamingo can bend leg backwards due to yoga.

  • Stork is out of work because drones now deliver babies.
  • Crow admits to being involved in murder because he is social.
  • After half being eaten by bird, worm gets asked if she's lost weight.

  • Ostrich mistakenly looks to commiserate about not flying to other animals who can fly.
  • Rudolph and Toucan Sam battle in the boxing ring for which nose to follow.
  • Hunters will need a bigger gravy boat after shooting giant turkey.
  • Therapist reassures turkey that it is normal to feel cold in the middle.

You searched for: bird