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You searched for: scares

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  • People love funny cat behavior videos while cats are horrified by online videos of humans.
  • Conflicted cat upset about owners’ new puppy but excited about box it’s in.
  • Fire work in cinema is scared by film’s happy ending of couple kissing while fireworks explode.
  • Slice of bread in bag is horrified to see another outside has been badly burnt in a toaster.
  • Pumpkins in movie theater watch scary horror film with Jack O’Lantern killer.
  • Ghost decides not to stay haunting Earth when he reads news on woman’s smartphone.
  • Squids leave underwater haunted house in a cloud of black ink.
  • Cats cinema audience are afraid of new kitten scary movie.
  • Cranberries audience watches scary movie of canned cranberry sauce blob squish city.
  • Sad Dr. Frankenstein with brain jars says dates look for man with brains as scared woman runs away.
  • Sleepy Hollow headless ghost picks happy, sad, or mad mood Halloween pumpkin head emotions in closet.
  • Man has prank pulled on him as he enters heaven when angel wears devil mask.

You searched for: scares