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You searched for: mental health

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Famous cartoon characters need therapy because of their names.
  • A hypochondriac's daily desktop calendar find a new disease to worry about daily.
  • Hypnotist cures husband from talking in sleep, but wife wants hypnotist to cure husband of talking while awake.
  • Ghost wife complains to therapist about ghost husband's haunted happenings at marriage counseling.
  • A cat puts up "Lost" posters for himself.
  • Popeye and Bluto's therapist tells them they both have an unhealthy Oyl dependency.
  • A pharmacy's antidepressants are puppies.
  • The Hulk goes to therapy and talks about what a burden it is to be incredible.
  • A cat therapist is going to hypnotize his client, but he's already asleep.
  • Fruitfly sees a psychiatrist for an identity crisis because it likes vegetables better than fruit.
  • A bottle of ketchup brings its owner to the psychiatrist to stop him from smacking his bottom.
  • Psychiatrist's patient doesn't feel centered, and is not centered on the page.

You searched for: mental health